PAK ARMY Drama: Alpha Bravo Charlie – Part 3

Pakistan’s BEST MILITARY DRAMA EVER: ABC (Alpha Bravo Charlie are the names of three companies in the PAK ARMY). As requested, this drama is with English Subtitles, so you Ex-Pats can also enjoy it as much as we do :-) Watch Lt.FARAZ, Lt.KASHIF and the one and only Lt.GULSHER have adventures of their own. Any one interested in seeing how life is in the PAKISTAN ARMY, then this is the Drama to watch! Or If any one is interested in asking some Questions to one of the stars starring in the Drama such as SHAHNAZ and SANDRA then join the group “Alpha Bravo Charlie People” and ask your questions to them Directly :-) Alpha Bravo Charlie People SINDHI HUM-BALOCHI HUM-PUNJABI HUM-PATHAN HUM AIK PARCHAM KAE NEECHAE PAK FAUJ KAE JAWAN HUM! ??????? ???? ??? Drama Courtesy: